Danville, California Building Codes

Updated : 04/22/2024


Helpful resources for Danville, California include the following.

Residential Building Code

California adopted a statewide mandatory residential code that will control; however, local governments are free to make laws more strict (with some limitations).See PLRB, California Building Codes for more information on state level codes.

Danville adopted a code that is yet to be identified .Please contact PLRB if you would like us to research this for you.

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2022 California Residential Code (2021 IRC)(Danville, CA CHAPTER X BUILDING AND HOUSING)

...CHAPTER X BUILDING AND HOUSING 10-1 BUILDING CODE 10-1.1 Adoption 10-2 RESIDENTIAL CODE 10-2.1 Adoption 10-3 ELECTRICAL CODE 10-3.1 Adoption 10-4 MECHANICAL CODE 10-4.1 Adoption 10-5 PLUMBING CODE 10-5.1 Adoption 10-6 FIRE CODE 10-6.1 Adoption 10-7 GREEN BUILDING STANDARDS CODE. 10-7.1 Adoption 10-8 VERY HIGH FIRE HAZARD SEVERITY ZONE 10-8.1 Definitions. 10-8.2 Designation of Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zones. 10-8.3 Scope. 10-8.4 General Requirements. 10-8.5 Enforcing Agency. 10-9 POST-DISASTER PLACARDS. 10-9.1 Intent 10-9.2 Application of Provisions 10-9.3 Definitions 10-9.4 Placards 10-9.5 Enforcing Agency 10-10 CONSTRUCTION AND DEMOLITION DEBRIS RECYCLING. 10-10.1 Definitions 10-10.2 Waste Diversion Requirement 10-10.3 Threshold for Covered Projects 10-10.4 Deconstruction and Material Salvage 10-10.5 Reserved. 10-10.6 Required Use of Certified C&D Recovery Facility 10-10.7 Submission of the Waste Management Plan 10-10.8 Final Review of Waste Management Plan and Determination of Compliance 10-10.9 Infeasibility Exemption 10-10.10 Appeals 10-10.11 Administration Fee 10-10.12 Waste Diversion Supporting Green Building Certification 10-11 GAS SHUT-OFF DEVICES. 10-11.1 Definitions. 10-11.2 Scope. 10-11.3 Exceptions. 10-11.4 General requirements. 10-11.5 List of approved valves and devices. 10-11.6 Enforcing agency. 10-12 SMALL RESIDENTIAL ROOFTOP SOLAR SYSTEMS 10-12.1 Definitions 10-12.2 Application 10-12.3 Solar Energy System Requirements 10-12.4 Duties of Building Division and Chief Building Official 10-12.5 Permit Review and Inspection Requirement 10-13 ADMINISTRATIVE CODE 10-13.1 Adoption 10-14 ENERGY CODE 10-14.1 Adoption 10-15 REFERENCED STANDARDS CODE 10-15.1 Adoption 10-16 RECORDING NOTICE OF NON-COMPLIANCE 10-16.1 Notice of Non-Compliance 10-16.2 Recordation of Notice of Non-Compliance 10-17 ELECTRIC VEHICLE CHARGING STATIONS 10-17.1 Purpose 10-17.2 Definitions 10-17.3 Expedited Permitting Process 10-17.4 Permit Application Processing 10-17.5 Technical Review 10-17.6 Electric Vehicle Charging Station Installation Requirements 10-18 HISTORICAL BUILDING CODE 10-18.1 Adoption 10-19 EXISTING BUILDING CODE 10-19.1 Adoption...

Drip Edge

Drip Edge: Undetermined

Ice Barrier

Commercial Building Code

Danville adopted a code that is yet to be identified .Please contact PLRB if you would like us to research this for you.

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2019 California Bldg. Code, Part 2 (2018 IBC)(Danville, CA Municipal Code)

...Adoption not found...